Is Social Network, a forbidden fruit?

 (902 words)

It’s the kind of evening that anyone would expect me to be sitting in office for a snacks time conversation. But today due to some power problems, we called the day off pretty early. I was feeling a little restless, so came out and walked into a Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) to have an Expresso. On the table next to me, there is a group of teens discussing about Facebook, Orkut etc. How fast is this culture of Social Networking spreading among the students and the professionals! No wonder the sites like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, MySpace are generating millions of dollars from our time! What they need from us is a registration, a 1/2 an hour or more of daily login, some online clicks and some chit chat. And in return they get money money and loads of money from the amount of time we enjoy social networking.