Don't aid spammers with LinkedIN Open Network. LION or Sheep

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It’s 21st century, the year 2014 and we are still on ground zero talking about spam emails and attacks like spear phishing. No matter how stringent your controls are, how much you have invest in your “defense in depth” approach, a single human being of your firm clicking a link on an unsolicited email can crumble your empire. This is not at all melodramatic as it sounds. It is for real, is scary and sad. I with this blog post, would wish to take you to one of the easiest way to harvest email addresses.

I got a phishing mail, and I followed it

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We come across so many links via social networking websites, and we unknowingly click many of these. The malicious links have catastrophic results and the system as well as yours privacy is either compromised or your data takes the hit. Here is one such analysis of a link dated 17.April.2012 that I came across via Twitter and LinkedIn.

NOTE: All links have been appended with ‘non-clickable’ suffix hxxp:// to prevent mistaken clicks.